What Time Is It?

In the grand scheme of life and of the history of everything, what time is it on God's cosmic clock? Just where are we now and what events are yet to happen?

The Soon Return of Jesus

A large portion of the Holy Bible details both the first and the second coming of Jesus. The Christian Church was founded during Jesus' first visit. The Blessed Hope of its members relies on Jesus' Second Coming.

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" Titus 2:13

The Timing of His Return

"After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." Hosea 6:2

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8

Before His Return, the Jews, who have been scattered around the world, must return to Israel. He returns around 2,000 years after He ascended.

The Jews Return to their Land

In the book of Ezekiel, there is a detailed prophecy of the promised lands with no signs of life. God instructs Ezekiel to prophesy upon the valley of dry bones after which those bones become people, graves are opened and the Israelites are back in their land. Ezekiel 37:1-14

The formation of the State of Israel on May 14th, 1948 started the final countdown to the tribulation period.

Using Dispensational Divisions (1)

Some say it is a new thing to divide the Bible into time periods called dispensations, but, they are a convenient and logical way to look at the various covenants throughout history.

  1. Innocence -> Ends with the Fall (Genesis 1:28-3:6)
  2. Conscience -> Ends with the Flood (Genesis 3:23-7:16)
  3. Human Government -> Ends with the Tower of Babel (Genesis 8:15-11:8)
  4. Promise -> Ends with the Captivity in Egypt (Genesis 12:1 - Exodus 1:22)

Using Dispensational Divisions (2)

We are coming up on roughly 6,000 years of written history. Similar to the six days of Creation that were followed by a day of rest, on the seventh day or millennium there will also be a long rest. Christians believe Jesus will rule and reign during that 1,000 year period.

  1. Law -> Ends at the Cross (Exodus 20:1 - Matthew 27:50)
  2. Grace / Church Age -> Ends with the Rapture (Matthew 27:51 - Revelation 3:22)
  3. Tribulation -> Ends with Armageddon (Revelation 4:1 - Revelation 19:21)
  4. Millennium -> Ends with the Battle of Gog (Revelation 20:1-10)

The 7 Dispensations

We are in the Church Age

For the last 2,000 years or since the existence of the Church, we have been in what is also called the Age of Grace. This period ends with the removal of the Church. Then the foretold seven year Tribulation period begins. There will be many saved during the tribulation, both Jews and Gentiles. They will be known as Tribulation Saints. Revelation 7:13-14

The Catching Up of the Church

In many verses, the Bible says the Church will be caught up, snatched away, removed before the time known as the tribulation begins. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 1 Corinthians 15:52

The Apostle Paul talks about the "Blessed Hope" and the "Glorious Appearing" of our Lord Jesus Christ in the last days. Titus 2:13

This catching up is imminent and can happen at any time, unlike Jesus' Second Coming which is after the seven years of the tribulation. So "Keep Looking Up." 🙂

Signs of the Times (1)

Some of the signs that we are in the season of the Lord's return:

  1. Increasing instability of nature. Matthew 24:7
  2. Increasing lawlessness and violence.
  3. Increasing immorality. 2 Timothy 3:2-7
  4. Depraved entertainment.
  5. Calling evil good and good evil.
  6. Increasing use of drugs.
  7. Signs in the heavens.

Signs of the Times (2)

  1. Increasing knowledge.
  2. Increasing occultism.
  3. Wars and rumors of wars. Matthew 24:6
  4. Increasing famine and pestilence.
  5. Movement toward world government.
  6. Regathering of the Jews.
  7. Preaching of the Gospel worldwide. Matthew 24:14

There are many more events happening than this short list.

So where do we find ourselves now?

Nearing the end of the Church Age of Grace, right before the Rapture of true believers which is followed by the seven years of the Tribulation.

What should we be doing with the remaining time?

Living in Anticipation of Jesus' Return
Being a Participant in spreading the Gospel
Living our lives in Preparation of His Coming

If you don't know Jesus then:

A: Admit that you are a sinner - A person needs to understand that their sin is what separates them from a Holy God. Romans 3:23

B: Believe the Lord Jesus - They need to believe who Jesus is. That He is the Son of God sent down to the world to take the penalty for our sins. Romans 10:9-10

C: Confess the Lord Jesus - They need to confess that Jesus is Lord. [ Say the prayer on the next slide. ]

Salvation Prayer

"Jesus, I know that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask You to forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross to save me from my sins. I now ask You to be Lord of my life, and I promise to commit my life to You."

Other Resources

Bible Tools (Lots of reference materials, Bible promises, etc.)

Bible Topics v2 (A large collection of articles plus the whole Bible, pictures and prose. All in one 45 megabyte file. For Mobile users, choose the Mobile Launcher link for easier navigation.)

Bible Gateway (Many different Bible translations, readings, devotionals)

Concise Christianity (Articles and information for new Christians. This is also part of Bible Tools.)